My outdoor setup

Poubelles, piscines, pédiluves, mares aux canards ...
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland


My outdoor setup is pretty large. Im keeping many fish, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians outdoors from spring to autumn. This way im "overwintering" my animals in autumn and they are usually breeding in winter after moving back indoor.

Two permament 1000l tubs for daphnia breeding
Turtle pool, for 2+2 adult breeding group of Kinosternon baurii
Three big pools, bigger one is 1500l and smaller ones are about 1000l if I'm not wrong
Biggest pool is used for overwintering my Gymnogeophagus species, smaller pools are home for my strain of leucistic Pleurodeles waltl that I'm working with
219058229_812248232993440_2492619056458736370_n (1).jpg
Young male of Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura that I bred myself
Small pond that I found broken and fixed it, now it is place for Red Cherry shrimps

There are some 1000l tubs for rearing fry of Gymnogeophagus, or overwintering my wild Channa bleheri and Macropodus, but I don't have any photos on hand now. My setup is ugly and unsightly but it works great and I managed to create it cheap as I am only a poor student!
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Messages : 2985
Enregistré le : 05 août 2021 23:55
Localisation : Var

OMG!!! So young and so crazy...
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Messages : 768
Enregistré le : 21 août 2021 23:20

Nice !

If we asked fish, I'm sure they prefer an aquarist with lot of passion than one with lot of money :)
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

I decided to catch my Macropodus spechti and Channa bleheri today from their tub and move them inside. As you can see fins of Macropodus are amazing!
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Messages : 131
Enregistré le : 25 août 2021 14:05
Localisation : Puy de Dôme

Très sympa ! Y a de la diversité ! Tu aurais une photo de l'aquarium des tortues et pleuro pour le reste de l'année ?
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

By "pleuro" you mean Channa? To be honest really low temperatures in Poland within last two weeks surprised me and I moved turtles and Channa with Macropodus to temporary indoor setups- I need to prepare proper tanks for them now.
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Messages : 131
Enregistré le : 25 août 2021 14:05
Localisation : Puy de Dôme

No, by pleuro i mean Pleurodeles :D
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

Oh, Pleurodeles are still outside- they can withstand really low and high temperatures. Im keeping them in normal aquariums, without any land side, as long as the water quality is good they won't leave it.