Apistogramma ortegai ex. sp. "Papagei"

Nouvelles espèces, reproductions, comportements, identifications...
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

A lovely Apistogramma from Peru, my favourite species from Apistogramma genus. It is not an easy species when it comes to getting good sex ratio from the spawns, and the clue of successful keeping of this fish is to have a really good quality of water, but with moderately low pH. The pH should be kept between 5.5-6.0 range, PPM as low as possible and temperature not really high, as it is species from Peru, about 21-25 celsius degrees. In such water parameters we can achieve an even sex ratio, and the fish will live long and happily! I was first one who bred this fish in Poland, and I'm working with that species for over 3 years if I'm counting correctly.

Wild male:

Fish that I raised from spawn of wild female and F1 male bred by me:

Erik got some fry from fish shown on photos above, I'm patiently waiting for their photos after they will grow up!
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Modifié en dernier par Papja le 21 sept. 2021 21:51, modifié 1 fois.
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Messages : 2985
Enregistré le : 05 août 2021 23:55
Localisation : Var

They are really stunning!
You didn’t show me these pictures already didn’t you?
I consider myself as very lucky in getting fishes from you. For the photos you will need to wait a while and I ´m not sure to take some with the same quality!🤪
Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

You might seen this photos on my fanpage, but I'm not sure if you did! Facebook fanpage where I post my fish and other animals
Messages : 654
Enregistré le : 23 août 2021 22:45

If I could this would be my next choice of Apistogramma, just a festival of shinning colors.
Thank you for these pictures and présentation.
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Messages : 768
Enregistré le : 21 août 2021 23:20

One my favorites Apisto. A very interesting bi-parental care for those I had, with a very concerned male.

Despite having tried high (27 °) and low (23 °) temperatures, I had ever 80/90% females or males, sometimes 100% :)
Messages : 197
Enregistré le : 30 août 2021 06:15

Amazing fish.
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Messages : 2985
Enregistré le : 05 août 2021 23:55
Localisation : Var

Daniel Mejia told me once some Apistogramma have a "strategy" or should I saw a sequence of events. Early in the breeding season only females come out from the spawning. Thus, they have enough time to grow up properly and then males are produced leading to even sizes. It must be temperature related or conductivity related. Uwe Roemer told for some Apistogramma only males are produced at high temperature (due to deforestation, the water get higher temperatures).
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Enregistré le : 21 août 2021 23:02
Localisation : 05 Le Dévoluy

Photos de Colo sauvegardées d'Aquadico
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Messages : 48
Enregistré le : 21 sept. 2021 20:42
Localisation : Poland

Really nice young male of this species, that I left in fishroom as a future breeder for obvious reasons!
DSC_0620 (2).JPG
DSC_0613 (2).JPG
DSC_0618 (2).JPG
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Messages : 2985
Enregistré le : 05 août 2021 23:55
Localisation : Var

Stunning fish!